ChristeningMatches 1 to 18 of 18
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Christening |
Person ID |
1 |
Bordeleau, Napoléon | 17 Jul 1892 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I7498 |
2 |
Dorion, Marie-Elmire | 1 Jan 1867 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I18272 |
3 |
Landry, D. | 18 Apr 1870 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I5175 |
4 |
Landry, Edouard-Rodolphe | 16 Jun 1867 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I4420 |
5 |
Landry, Emma | 9 Sep 1871 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I17205 |
6 |
Landry, Emma | 19 Jan 1873 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I37276 |
7 |
Landry, J-Edmond-J-Georges | 25 Feb 1882 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I11025 |
8 |
Landry, J. O. H. Herménégilde | 10 Sep 1883 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I17214 |
9 |
Landry, Joseph Oscar-Benjamin | 25 May 1878 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I11640 |
10 |
Landry, Louis-André | 6 Jan 1871 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I17204 |
11 |
Landry, Marie-Anne | 5 Mar 1863 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I17202 |
12 |
Landry, Roseanna | 21 Jun 1880 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I17206 |
13 |
Landry, Théodule | 17 May 1874 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I11028 |
14 |
Laverdure, Mélanie Marie-Emilie | 15 Sep 1834 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I5168 |
15 |
Lee, Isabelle (Pansy) Ezilda | 21 Aug 1912 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I2622 |
16 |
Lepage, Marie Aline Hélène | 3 Jan 1943 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I21483 |
17 |
Way, Gilbert-Joseph-Hector | 19 Dec 1938 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I5065 |
18 |
Whissell, Jean-Charles | 4 Aug 1935 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | I85987 |
MarriageMatches 1 to 20 of 10986 1 2 3 4 5 ... 550» Next»
Family |
Marriage |
Family ID |
1 |
Arbour / Maillé | 10 Oct 1898 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F11225 |
2 |
Aubuchon / Combs | 8 Nov 1842 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4297 |
3 |
Aubuchon / Gagnon | 1874 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F10052 |
4 |
Auger / Lesly | | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F170 |
5 |
Baron de Tsercloes / Desjardins | 30 Nov 1920 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F42986 |
6 |
Baulne / Paquette | 1 May 1860 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4379 |
7 |
Baulne / Paré | 30 Sep 1862 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4380 |
8 |
Bayzanna / Paradis | 23 Oct 1953 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4149 |
9 |
Beaugrand dit Champagne / Desjardins | 7 Jan 1885 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F32035 |
10 |
Beaulieu / Aubuchon | 20 Jun 1870 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F14483 |
11 |
Beaulne / Leaver | 11 Dec 1899 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4813 |
12 |
Beaulne / Leclerc | 30 Jan 1950 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4362 |
13 |
Beaulne / Lepage | 24 Sep 1951 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4365 |
14 |
Beaulne / Loguer | 9 Sep 1862 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4370 |
15 |
Beaulne / Malette | 3 Nov 1962 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4373 |
16 |
Beaulne / Moreau | 14 Mar 1953 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4378 |
17 |
Beaulne / Parent | 29 Apr 1876 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4382 |
18 |
Beaulne / Sarault | 9 Oct 1872 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F346 |
19 |
Beaulne / Sauvé | 28 Sep 1872 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4387 |
20 |
Beaulne / Sauvé | 3 Dec 1931 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F4385 |
1 2 3 4 5 ... 550» Next»
Alt. MarriageMatches 1 to 6 of 6
Family |
Alt. Marriage |
Family ID |
1 |
Collin / Brodeur | 14 Feb 1957 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F7776 |
2 |
Dubé / Lefebvre | 27 Jun 1891 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F33763 |
3 |
Hébert / Fugère | 7 Jun 1915 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F11382 |
4 |
Joannette / Parizeau | 16 Jul 1904 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F36309 |
5 |
Lamoureux / Labreche | 2 Mar 1909 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F12272 |
6 |
Nantel / Florent | 17 Jun 1943 | ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame, (Cathedral) | F22080 |