1889 - 1962 (72 years)
Name |
Valmore-Jean-Joseph Landry [8] |
Birth |
22 Nov 1889 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 9, 10] |
Christening |
24 Nov 1889 |
Ste-Anne, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 9] |
Parrain: Philomène Denault
Marraine: Jean Dagenais
Valmore-Jean-Joseph Landry
Gender |
Male |
Baptism |
24 Nov 1889 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [11] |
Residence |
1901 |
Ottawa (City/Cité) Ottawa (Ward/Quartier), Ottawa (city/cité), Ontario, Canada [12] |
- Age: 11; MaritalStatus: Single; RelationToHead: Fils
Census |
31 Mar 1901 |
ON, Ottawa, Ottawa Ward D-2, Page 22 [7, 13, 14] |
- Landry, Edouard, M, Head, M, June 16 1867, age 33
Landry, Emma, F, Wife, M, Oct 16 1868, age 32
Landry, Valmore, M, Son, S, Nov 22 1889, age 11
Landry, Normandise, F, Daughter, S, Sep 3 1893, age 7
Landry, Lauretta, F, Daughter, S, Aug 28, 1897, age 3
Landry, Nelida, F, Daughter, S, Apr 8 1899, age 1
Census |
1 Jun 1911 |
ON, Ottawa, (#105), Ottawa Ward, Sub District 29, Page 26 [7, 15, 16] |
Landey Edward, 45 Mc Gee, M, Chef, M, June 1868, 42, Ontario, Francais,
Landey Emma, 45 Mc Gee, F, epouse, M, Oct 1868, 42, Quebec, Francais,
Landey Vabnar, 45 Mc Gee, M, Fils, C, Nov 1889, 21, Ontario, Francais
Landey Namadine, 45 Mc Gee, F, Fille, C, Sep 1894, 16, Ontario, Francais
Landey Loutte, 45 Mc Gee, F, Fille, C, Aug 1897, 13, Ontario, Francais
Landey Nellda, 45 Mc Gee, F, Fille, C, Sep 1898, 12, Ontario, Francais
Landey Banadett, 45 Mc Gee, F, Fille, C, Aug 1901, 9, Ontario, Francais
Landey Lammie, 45 Mc Gee, F, Fille, C, Sep 1904, 6, Ontario, Francais,
Landey Elliarad, 45 Mc Gee, F, Fille, C, Sep 1904, 6, Ontario, Francais
Landey Rine, 45 Mc Gee, M, -----, C, Feb 1907, 3, Ontario, Francais
Landey Harver, 45 Mc Gee, M, -----, C, Jan 1911, ?/12, Ontario, Francais
Employment |
5 Jun 1916 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
Census |
1 Jun 1921 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 17] |
- 1921 Census of Canada about Valmore Landry
Name: Valmore Landry
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 31
Birth Year: abt 1890
Birth Place: Ontario
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Clara Landry
Father Birth Place: Ontario
Mother Birth Place: Ontario
Racial or Tribal Origin: French
Province or Territory: Ontario
District: Ottawa
District Number: 110
Sub-District: By Ward - Part of St George´s Ward
Sub-District Number: 4
City, Town or Village: Ottawa By Ward
Street or Township: 371 Clarence
Municipality: By Ward
Occupation: Conductor
Income: 1300
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Valmore Landry 31
Clara Landry 25
Carmen Landry 2
Jacqueline Landry 5/12
Census |
1 Jun 1921 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 18] |
- Name: Valmore Landry
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 31
Birth Year: abt 1890
Birth Place: Ontario
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Clara Landry
Father Birth Place: Ontario
Mother Birth Place: Ontario
Racial or Tribal Origin: French
Province or Territory: Ontario
District: Ottawa
District Number: 110
Sub-District: By Ward - Part of St George´s Ward
Sub-District Number: 4
City, Town or Village: Ottawa By Ward
Street or Township: 371 Clarence
Municipality: By Ward
Occupation: Conductor
Income: 1300
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Valmore Landry 31
Clara Landry 25
Carmen Landry 2
Jacqueline Landry 5/12
Census |
1 Jun 1921 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [19] |
Employment |
1 May 1924 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Old employement record cancelled
Employment |
10 Nov 1926 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Did splendid work in getting police on the job after being held up and releived of the cash bags on Sussex St.
Employment |
26 Oct 1927 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Cautioned for rough operating.
Possessions |
30 Apr 1937 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
Address: 187 Clarence Street |
- Valmore Landry et Clara Landry to Zenon Chartrand,
187 Clarence, Motgage #221332
Will |
15 May 1937 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Joseph Rivet to Valmore Landry, 371 Clarence St.
Will # 221376
Employment |
30 Mar 1940 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Responsible for collision with truck on Queen St. West, A.R.#6
Fact |
1 Apr 1940 |
Employment [7, 20, 21] |
Street car and truck damaged in collison |
An Ottawa Electric Railway street car came off second best in a collision with a city engineering department truck driven by Fred Marcellus, 500 St-Patrick street, at midnight Saturday. Marcellus told police he was driving east on Queen street west and made a left turn to enter the city garage, coming to a full stop as he did so, The westbound street car came into collision with the right rear of the truck body, causing it to slide sideways, and snapping off a telephone pole. Damage to the truck was estimated at only $15, but the right front side of street car was badly smashed. Constable Clifford and Hepburn investigated.
Employment |
21 Jan 1943 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Partially responsible for collision with truck on Sparks At. opposite Bowles Lunch. A.R. # 278 46.08
Employment |
15 Feb 1943 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Entirely responsible for collision with street cars at Wellington & Kent Sts. A.R. 3/4 # 645
Employment |
15 Feb 1943 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Suspended for 2 days. Careless operarion of street car
Employment |
16 Feb 1943 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 22] |
An automobile owned by Dr. S. L. Everett Danby, 116 MacLaren street, and driven by Mrs. Danby, was badly damaged at 2.25 p.m. today when crushed between two street cars on Bank street, just south of Albert. Mrs. Danby who was alone in the car, and proceeding north, stopped behind a tram which was discharging passengers at the Albert street stop. Another northbound tram behind the automobile failed to stop, struck the rear of the car, and forced it ahead into the first street car. Mrs. danby was uninjured. The rear and front of her car were badly damaged, however. Constable Douglas Ebton investigated.
Employment |
9 Aug 1943 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Appointed night instructor.
Voters List |
11 Jun 1945 |
373 Clarence St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 23] |
- Name: Valmore Landry
Occupation: O.E.R
Year: 1945
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Ottawa East
City Directories |
1949 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [6, 7] |
- 373* Clarence Street
Ottawa, On.
* Denotes the house is owned by the occupant.
Voters List |
27 Jun 1949 |
373 Clarence St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 23] |
- Name: Valmore Landry
Occupation: Inspector
Year: 1949
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Ottawa East
Employment |
30 Jan 1950 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Warned for failing to get Benchcars out of Coburg Barn on time, Jan. 25/50, for Bingo at Coliseum. Result passengers had to wait approximately 25 minutes, before cars arrived. He claims he depended on Sup. Girard to call the cars, but did not notice they were not out until it was too late. See Statements in Sup. Girard's File.
Residence |
9 Jun 1955 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 24, 25] |
Address: 373 Clarence St, |
Voters List |
10 Jun 1957 |
373 Clarence St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 23] |
- Name: Valmore Landry
Occupation: O.T.C
Year: 1957
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Ottawa East
Voters List |
31 Mar 1958 |
373 Clarence St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7, 23] |
- Name: Valmore Landry
Occupation: Inst. O.T
Year: 1958
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Electoral District: Ottawa East
Retired |
1 May 1959 |
O.E.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Early retirement due to bus Conversion.
Death |
7 Aug 1962 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [2, 7] |
Obituary |
8 Aug 1962 |
Le Droit [7, 26, 27] |
M. Jean-Valmore Landry, 373 rue Clarence, Ottawa, est décédé mardi dans un hôpital local, après une longue maladie, à l'age de 72 ans. Né à ottawa, il était le fils d'Edouard Landry et d'Emma Bigras, tous deux décédés. Il avait épousé Clara Houle qui lui survit. Paroissien de l'église Ste-Anne. il faisait partie de la Ligue du Sacré-Coeur et de la Société St-Jean-Baptiste. A sa retraite depuis trois ans, il avait été a l'emploi de la CTO pendant 45 ans. Outre son épouse il laisse dans le deuil dux fils: Jean-Edouard et André, tous deux d'Ottawa; cinq filles: Mme Fernand Paquette (Carmen), Mme Rolland Sabourin (Jacqueline), Mme Marcel Lebrun (Thérèse), Mme René Bonhomme (Réjeanne), et Mme Gilles Chénier (Marie-Paule), tous cinq d'Ottawa; deux frères René d'Eastview et Hervé, de Hull; cinq soeurs: Mme Jos Rodrigue (Nilda), d'Ottawa, Mme Normandine Bourgault, de Hull, Mme Fidèle Routhier (Laurette), Mme Jean Valiquette (Elianne), et Mlle Bernadette Landry, toutes trois d'Ottawa, ainsi que 19 petits-enfants.
La dépouille mortelle est exposée aux salons funérailles Gauthier, 259, rue St-Patrice, Ottawa, d'ou le départ du cortege funèbre se fera à 7h.30, vendredi, pour se rendre en l'église Ste-Anne ou le service sera chanté a 7h.45. L'inhumation se fera au cimetière Notre-Dame d'Ottawa.
Burial |
10 Aug 1962 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [2, 7, 28, 29] |
Address: Cimetière Notre-Dame Cemetery |
Valmore-Jean-Joseph Landry
Person ID |
I4411 |
Lowertown |
Last Modified |
8 Apr 2022 |
Father |
Edouard-Rodolphe Landry, b. 11 Jun 1867, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada d. 29 Jan 1918, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Age 50 years) |
Mother |
Emma Bigras, b. 17 Oct 1868, St-Martin, Laval, Québec, Canada d. 11 Nov 1951, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Age 83 years) |
Marriage |
22 Aug 1888 |
Ste-Anne, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [30, 31, 32, 33, 34] |
Address: Ste-Anne |
Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1801-1928 about Edmond Landry
Name: Edmond Landry
Spouse Name: Emma Bigras
Marriage Date: 22 Aug 1888
Marriage Location: Ottawa
Registration number: 59615
William Ricard & Joseph Landry are listed in Ste-Anne's parish as witnesses. (MF#3340)
Family ID |
F2782 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Clara Houle, b. 28 Mar 1895, Russell, Ontario, Canada d. 26 Sep 1976, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Age 81 years) |
Marriage |
24 Jun 1918 |
Ste-Anne, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [3, 35, 36, 37, 38] |
Address: Ste-Anne |
Antonio Houle & Alfred Landry are listed as witnesses in Ste-Anne's parish records. (MF#3340)
Children |
| 1. Carmen-Mélanie-Laurette Landry, b. 26 Mar 1919, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada d. 18 Sep 2010, St-Luc, Curran, Ontario, Canada (Age 91 years) |
| 2. Jacqueline-Marie-Claire-Laurette Landry, b. 9 Jan 1921, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada d. 13 Jul 2004, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Age 83 years) |
| 3. Marie-Thérèse-Hélène Landry, b. 24 Dec 1922, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada d. 14 Nov 2012, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Age 89 years) |
| 4. Réjeanne-Marie-Normandine Landry, b. 21 Sep 1924, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada d. 20 Jun 2012, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Age 87 years) |
| 5. Marie-Paule-Micheline Landry, b. 14 Dec 1926, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada d. 2 Dec 1980, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Age 53 years) |
| 6. Jean-Edouard-Léopold Landry, b. 22 Nov 1929, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada d. 1 Dec 2009, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Age 80 years) |
| 7. André-Joseph-Antoine Landry, b. 6 Nov 1932, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada d. 2 May 1997, ON, Ottawa, Civic Hospital @ 7:26 Am (Age 64 years) |
Family ID |
F2781 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Event Map |
| Birth - 22 Nov 1889 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Baptism - 24 Nov 1889 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Census - 1 Jun 1921 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Census - 1 Jun 1921 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Census - 1 Jun 1921 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Possessions - Address: 187 Clarence Street - 30 Apr 1937 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Will - 15 May 1937 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Employment - 16 Feb 1943 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| City Directories - 1949 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Residence - Address: 373 Clarence St, - 9 Jun 1955 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Death - 7 Aug 1962 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
| Burial - Address: Cimetière Notre-Dame Cemetery - 10 Aug 1962 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
Notes |
- All the local newspapers Headline the Robbery of The Ottawa Electric Railway Company Tram 1926 see newspaper article for more detail.
O.E.R. Inspectors at Albert St. Garage:
L to R: W. Smith, M. Wellman, V. Landry, R. Watson, F. Ladouceur, H. Auger, F. Colfe, O. Watt, J. Sheehan, E. Lord, H. Dudley, V. McNally, R. Bigras, H. Pollex, G. Maxwell.
Date Sept 1946 Ref# CA18581 Collection OC Transpo
Sources |
- [S2] ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages, 1873-1980, page 13.
- [S79] ON, Ottawa, Notre Dame cemetery,.
- [S2] ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages, 1873-1980, page 72.
- [S2] ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages, 1873-1980, page 79.
- [S67] ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages, 1873-1980, page 98.
- [S127] City of Ottawa Directories, 1949.
- [S741] ON, Ottawa, Notre-Dame, Pierre Tombales aux cimetiere, V1-13, page 79.
- [S3433] Ancestry website "Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1802-1967 " (Reliability: 3).
Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1802-1967
- [S39] Microfilm, Ste-Anne, 3340.
- [S103] Family Search, Citing this Record "Canada, Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F2PQ-94L : accessed 16 Oct 2014), Joseph John Valmer Landry, 22 Nov 1889; citing Ottawa, Carleton, Ontario, 22 Nov 1889, reference.
- [S1674] Ontario, Canada, Roman Catholic Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1760-1923, Ottawa Roman Catholic Archdiocese; Ottawa, Ontario.
- [S1659] 1901 Census of Canada, Year: 1901; Census Place: Ottawa (City/Cité) Ottawa (Ward/Quartier), Ottawa (city/cité), Ontario; Page: 22; Family No: 220.
- [S77] Census, 1901 Canada, 1901 Census of Canada Subdistrict: Ottawa (Ward/Quartier), OTTAWA (City/Cité), ONTARIO District Number: 100 Subdistrict Number: d-2 Archives Microfilm: T-6488.
- [S27] Ancestry.com.
- [S28] Ancestry.com, 1921 Census.
- [S221] ANCESTRY.CA, Source Citation Reference Number: RG 31; Folder Number: 75; Census Place: By Ward - Part of St George´s Ward, Ottawa, Ontario; Page Number: 31 Source Information Ancestry.com. 1921 Census of Canada [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com.
- [S1661] 1921 Census of Canada, Reference Number: RG 31; Folder Number: 75; Census Place: By Ward - Part of St George´s Ward, Ottawa, Ontario; Page Number: 31.
- [S179] Ottawa Journal, page 47.
- [S268] Ottawa Journall, page 47.
- [S179] Ottawa Journal.
- [S221] ANCESTRY.CA, Ancestry.com. Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2012. Original data: Voters Lists, Federal Elections, 1935–1980. R1003-6-3-E (RG113-B). Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, C.
- [S127] City of Ottawa Directories, 1955, page 443.
- [S270] City of Ottawa Directories (1874), 1955, page 443.
- [S78] Le Droit, 8 Aug 1962, page 27.
- [S78] Le Droit, Le Droit, Ottawa, Lundi 8 Aug 1962, page 27.
- [S177] lot # D1 660B.
- [S271] lot # D1 660B.
- [S67] ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages, 1873-1980.
- [S39] Microfilm, Ste-Anne.
- [S240] ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages,.
- [S222] CA, ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages, 1873-1980.
- [S12] mwlandry.ca.
- [S67] ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages, 1873-1980, page 66.
- [S248] mwlandry.ca.
- [S222] CA, ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages, 1873-1980, page 66.