1842 - 1914 (72 years)
Name |
Joseph Octave Bérubé [2] |
Birth |
16 Sep 1842 |
Gender |
Male |
Reference Number |
1286 |
Residence |
1875 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [2] |
Address: 169 Dalhousie Street |
Death |
8 Nov 1914 |
Joseph Octave Bérubé
Burial |
10 Nov 1914 |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
Address: 455 Chemin Montréal rd, |
Joseph Octave Bérubé
Person ID |
I1286 |
Lowertown |
Last Modified |
20 Aug 2021 |
Notes |
- Joseph Octave Bérubé was in his early thirties when he built this large stone corner building with the mansard roof to house his young family and his grocery business. The grocery business was continued by the Hormidas Racine family whose son, Horace, became a well-known political and business fi gure in the community.
Joseph Octave Bérubé était dans la début trentaine lorsqu’il bâtit ce large édifi ce en coin de pierre avec un toit la Mansart pour y loger sa jeune famille et son épicerie. L’épicerie fut ensuite gérée par la famille de Hormidas Racine dont le fi ls, Horace, fut un politicien et un homme d’affaire reconnu dans la communauté.
Sources |
- [S2] ON, Ottawa, Sainte-Anne, Mariages, 1873-1980, page 10.
- [S3511] News item in Lowertown echo de la Basse-Ville, between June 2021 and August 2021 (Reliability: 3).
The Echo, a non-profit community newspaper, is supported financially by its advertisers and the Lowertown Community Association. Opinions expressed are those of contributors and advertisers and do not necessarily represent those of the volunteer editorial staff.
In 2021, the Echo will be published in February, April, June, September and November. 8,000 copies are printed and distributed free of charge to residents of Lowertown. Additional copies can also be picked up at the Routhier Centre, the Lowertown Community Resource Centre, the public library, and various public and commercial locations in Lowertown.
The Echo welcomes articles, letters, photographs, notices and other material of interest to its readers in the Lowertown community. Name and telephone number of contributor must be included.
If you’d like to write articles, draw cartoons or other illustrations for stories, or take photographs on assignment, please email and leave your name and telephone number at echo@lowertown-basseville.ca. No age restrictions. The Echo reserves the right to edit in part or in whole all contributions.
Contributors to this edition
Editor : John Chenier
Contributing editors :
Kelly Butler, Le Centre de ressources communautaires de la Basse-Ville,
John Chenier, Lucille Collard, Lynda Cox, Mathieu Fleury, Mona Fortier,
Kim Hiscott, Alison Hobbs, Mary E. Hughes, Faith Jamael, Zackery Liberty,
Vanessa Lovell, David Lu, Liz MacKenzie, Nancy Miller Chenier,
Sandra Milton, Norman Moyer, Sandra Pilote, Michel Rossignol. Joel Weiner
Copy editors : Patricia Balcom. Philppe Doyon
Photography : John Chenier, community members
Layout : John Chenier